Two Tribes 2024 – The WW3 (TY) UK National Doubles Tournament

This is a two-day event where players will compete as a two-player team in 4x games against different teams using Battlefronts World War 3 (Team Yankee) rules and army books. and armies with a combined size of 100 pts.

This event is supported by Battlefront Miniatures, who are kindly supplying Award Plaques, Tournament Objectives, and prize support.

The ticket price covers entry and lunch on both days for both players on the team.

Armageddon 2025: The WW3 (Team Yankee) UK National Tournament

This is a two-day event where players will compete in 4x games against different participants using Battlefront Miniatures World War 3 (Team Yankee) rules and army books.

This event is supported by Battlefront Miniatures who are kindly providing Award Plaques, Tournament Objectives, and prize support.

The WW3 (TY) UK Nationals will be held at Firestorm Games, Cardiff on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of May 2025. Ticket price includes lunch served at the Firestorm café on both days.

Please be aware that this event uses 8ft x 4ft tables and that there are painting and army composition requirements

DEFCON 2 – On The Path To War (Again!)

If you don’t play regularly but are maybe tempted to join the rapidly growing WW3 Team Yankee community, want to try out a new army, or are even an experienced player who’s prepared to play a friendly army and help newer players, this is the perfect one-day event.

The previous DEFCON2 events have proved to be extremely popular due to the event format being designed to keep it as beginner-friendly as possible – full details are available in the downloadable rule pack at the bottom of the page but, as a general outline, it will involve:

1. Players using small armies of 50pts

2. No painting requirements – just build and play (although painted miniatures are very welcome)

3. Friendly opponents who are either newer players themselves or players with more experience but who want to help tutor others

4. Extended rounds that give time to play at a friendly pace without the pressure of watching the clock

5. Restricted participant numbers to help prevent newer players feeling overwhelmed.


Desert Inferno Mega Battle

Team Yankee Mega Battle Desert Inferno

On Sunday, July 28th there will be a Team Yankee Mega Battle at Inferno Con at Griffons Lair at 1645 W 26th St. Erie PA 16507

This will be a red vs blue event. Players will bring an army of 120pts each with the following restrictions: no more than one infantry unit may be included in one’s force, and 90 pts must be spent on tank teams with a front armor of 17 or higher (if a player is using Iraq or Syria, then 90+ points of T-72Ms must be brought ) .

The terrain setup will be desrt with middle eastern buildings. The doors open at 10AM; the battle starts at 11am.

Contact Chris Eimers (token with questions at [email protected]

Army list submission is not required; but please let TO know which side you play on playing (NATO or WP)

HMGS Autumn Wars Team Yankee

Autumn Wars Team Yankee Tournament
Venue: Trinity International University
Address: 2065 Half Day Rd, Bannockburn, IL 60015, USA
Date: Saturday October 5th 2024
Awards: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Best Painted and Best Sport
List deadline: September 27th
Email lists to [email protected]
3 formation limit
1 of those formations MUST be a Tank Company
A player MUST take at least 1 helicopter or strike aircraft unit of 4 or more models.
95 point limit
3 games, 2.5 hour time limit on rounds.
Extended Mission Matrix will be used for mission selection.
A player can duplicate a single stance once.
Painting minimum of 3 present colors
Planned Schedule:
Round 1: 9:00am – 11:30am
Lunch: 11:30am – 12:00pm
Round 2: 12:00pm – 2:30pm
Break: 2:30pm – 2:45pm
Round 3: 2:45pm – 5:15pm
Awards : 5:15pm

Historicon 2024 World War III: Team Yankee Tournament

Dates: Thursday, July 18th Lancaster PA.

Tournament Format: V2 Team Yankee, 95 points. Straight Swiss format using best coast pairings, 3 rounds over 1 day 2.5 hours per round. No stance requirement.  2 Formation limit per player.

Players will use the extended Battleplans packet. Players will select the mission using the instructions from the mission packet. If either player had played the selected mission in the previous round, then the result must be re-rolled until a different mission is chosen.

Player Limit: 48

Players should register on the Historicon website

Click here for the full information pack…

WW3 Team Yankee Tournament

Dates: June, 1st. San Antonio, TX.

Tournament Format: V2 Team Yankee, 95 points. Random pairings, 3 rounds over 1 day 2.5 hours per round. Players must use two stances. 2 Formation limit per player.

Cost: $20

Players will use the extended Battleplans packet. Players will select the mission using the instructions from the mission packet. If either player had played the selected mission in the previous round, then the result must be re-rolled until a different mission is chosen. A player must select two different stances at least once during the tournament. Once a player has played using two different stances they can select any stance.

Player Limit: 16

Players should register by phone call 210-647-6119 or email [email protected].


List submission: [email protected]


All lists must include the following information sent to the email address above, players that don’t provide this information won’t be allowed to play:


Player’s full name

Player’s email address

Player’s cell phone number- used for emergency contact

Army list being used (For example: M1 Abrams Armored Combat Team).

Book(s) (For example: Team Yankee American), if players are using multiple books all books must be brought.

Players can use the following books: TY British, TY American, TY Soviet, TY West German, TY Warsaw

Pact, Red Dawn, TY Nordic Forces, TY NATO Forces, Oil Wars. Players must bring the books containing

the forces they are using.


List Submission Deadline: May 5th. Players are encouraged to turn their lists in early. Players should receive an email that their list is received and legal, if this is not received within a week from submission, players should resend their list.







If there is an odd number of players, that player can choose to take a bye, if so that player gets an 8-1. A ringer is a player who participates to fill in for an odd number of participants but is not eligible to win any category in the event.


Players must bring 3 physical copies of their list.


Players should record on the left side of their score sheet the table they play on.


Players are responsible for monitoring the time and the judges will announce time intervals throughout the tournament.

Slow play is to be actively discouraged, repeated offences may result in loss of points or forfeited matches. If you cannot play a game to completion due to size/compliment or familiarity with your army, you might want to revisit your choice. Most players should be able to complete their turns within 10-15 minutes.

When time is called the game must immediately finish the action with the platoon they are on. New turns cannot be started even if starting a new turn would award an immediate victory or cause a player to make a company morale check. If players do not comply, the game will be scored 1-1 regardless of the actual game score.

Painting Competition: Any players in the tournament who wish their armies to be considered for the best-painted award will stage them at the lunch breaks in the designated area with a nameplate on the display. All models in the army must be from Battlefront Miniatures, armies with proxy or 3D-printed models are disqualified. A display board is not judged but is useful for moving your army. Paint judging will be done by peers.

Team Yankee Medic Tournament

May 8th is the birthday of Jean Henri Dunant, founder of the Red Cross and Griffons Lair will be holding a Medic Event in honor of World Red Cross Day Saturday, May 11th.
The cost is $10 per player with all money being donated to the Red Cross on behalf of Fallout Gaming and Griffon’s Lair.

Doors Open: 10:00 AM
Tournament Begins: 11:00 AM
Email questions to Chris Eimers (Token) at [email protected]
The Tournament will be 35 points and all Team Yankee V2 Books and Oil Wars are allowed.
This will be a red vs blue event. Both sides will face off on one large table. Each player will have a 35pt list made from a single infantry formation. Players must bring one (and only one) tank unit with a front armor of 9+ (before special rules). There are no other restrictions on tank units.
The Triage & Medevac rules from Nam will be available to both sides with the following change: after an infantry team fails its save, the attacking player rolls a firepower check to confirm the kill, otherwise the team receives a wound marker.
Furthermore, players on both sides will have access to medic infantry teams, medevac helicopters, and medevac APCs.
Medevac Teams:
Each formation may include a medic team for 1pt. This team will be rated as Fearless Veteran Hit on 4+. The medevac vehicles will have the same ratings.
Band-aid track: As a support option, players may take a single unarmed APC for 1pt. It may hold up to 4 wound markers. It may discard its wound markers at the end of any turn in which it is in contact with a table edge. NATO aligned player may use an M113 while Warsaw Pact players may use an MTLB (storm) or BMP. Iraq may use the MTLB/BMP, and Iran may use the M113.
Dust-off: players may include medevac helicopter as a support unit for 1pt. Use the stats from the US portion of the Nam book. NATO players may use UH-1s, Chinooks, or Sea Stallions and Warsaw Pact may use Hinds or Hips.
Protective Use: any medical vehicle may be marked with a Red Cross (or Red Crescent or red crystal) for free and receive protection from enemy fire. Infantry medic teams are too small to benefit from this rule. Units may not target red cross marked vehicle team with direct LoS weapons (including the Pereh) or place a ranged in marker touching one. Repeat bombardments are acceptable. No medevac team may fire any weapons or spot for artillery.
Objectives: there will be several dynamic objectives scattered around the battlefield with progressive scoring.

Current TY FAQ.…/TeamYankee/FM101-FAQ.pdf (…/TeamYankee/FM101-FAQ.pdf)