Operation Nordic Lion ’25

– 2-day tournament
– Location: Parola Armour Museum (Hall 2)
– 110 points (44 points Reserves) Using Dynamic Points
– Entry fee: 30€
– Only the paid participation fee is a confirmed registration
– Participation fee and registration deadline: 31.1.2025 23:59 hour
– List Check-In Date: 8.2.2025 23:59 hour, 2 weeks prior Tournament
– Return list to: antti_arajarvi (at) hotmail.com
– Places available total: 20
– Entry fee includes lunch and coffee on both days
-Valid books: All that have been published prior to List Check-In Date.
– Using latest FM101
– For this year we will have pre-determined missions for each round. Please reference to the
latest versions from: https://www.team-yankee.com/Portals/0/Documents/TeamYankee/WWIII-
– No duplicate formations
– Spearhead units are limited to 5
– Only one (1) Infantry/Mech Formation per Force. Each Force must have one (1) Tank
– Tournament points are calculated from the Victory Points of each mission. A Timeout is a 3-3
Draw for both sides.. Lost Units are used as tiebreaker.

Armageddon 2025: The WW3 (Team Yankee) UK National Tournament

This is a two-day event where players will compete in 4x games against different participants using Battlefront Miniatures World War 3 (Team Yankee) rules and army books.

This event is supported by Battlefront Miniatures who are kindly providing Award Plaques, Tournament Objectives, and prize support.

The WW3 (TY) UK Nationals will be held at Firestorm Games, Cardiff on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of May 2025. Ticket price includes lunch served at the Firestorm café on both days.

Please be aware that this event uses 8ft x 4ft tables and that there are painting and army composition requirements