Team Yankee turnering i Copenhagen

Emperor’s Pride indbyder Storkøbenhavn og andre interesserede til hyggespilleevent i Team Yankee (TY) LØRDAG den 28. September 2024.
Adressen er Carl Jacobsens Vej 16, 20, 2500 København.
Vi spiller Team Yankee V2 85 points ved faste missioner.
Man skal medbringe to kopier af sin force Team Yankee, man opfordres til at benytte Forcesv4, men andet er tilladt.
Der er plads til 12 deltagere, som udgangspunkt Red vs Blue. Der er tale om et stille og roligt spilleevent, og der er derfor ingen krav om tungt regelkendskab, arrangørerne er altid klar til at hjælpe med regler.
Skriv til dommeren, hvis du ikke har et færdigt kompagni, måske vi har noget du kan låne.
Alessandro er spilleden dommer.
Prisen er 100,00. Medlemmer af Emperor’s Pride spiller med gratis.
Betaling sker på 31184500 MobilePay (navn Steen Villarsen).
Man er først tilmeldt når man har betalt. Der kan laves specialaftaler for betaling.
Denne side vil løbende blive opdateret med tilmeldte.
Man skal enten melde sig til som NATO eller Warszawapagten, der er 6 pladser til hver side. Ved tilmelding oplyser man.: Fornavn, Efternavn, side (NATO eller Warszawapagten)
08:30 – 08:59
1st Kamp.
09:00 – 12:30
12:30 – 13:00
2nd Kamp.
13:00 – 16:30
3rd Kamp.
16:30 – 20:00
Missioner & Regler
Vi spiller følgende missionen, i nedestående rækkefølge:
Dust-Up (s.19), Encounter (s. 23) & Breakthrough (s.7).
Attacker/defender afgøres i Breakthrough ved at hver spiller samtidigt deklarerer hvad de vil, (ligesom med matrixen), ved uafgjort er det roll-off for at bestemme attacker/defender.
•Før kampe begynder præsenter man sin hær for modstanderen.
•Begge spillere bruger enten cm eller tommer.
•Alle spillerne skal medbringe 2 objektives.
•En ½ time før spilleblokken udløber bliver det annonceret. Hvis spillet endnu ikke er afsluttet, har begge spillere 1 tur før spillet standser (begge spillere skal opnå samme antal ture).
•VP tabellen fra regelbogen benyttes
•Sodavand & Øl ol. kan købes. med mobilepay.
•Turneringen er røgfri. Der kan ryges udenfo

Two Tribes 2024 – The WW3 (TY) UK National Doubles Tournament

This is a two-day event where players will compete as a two-player team in 4x games against different teams using Battlefronts World War 3 (Team Yankee) rules and army books. and armies with a combined size of 100 pts.

This event is supported by Battlefront Miniatures, who are kindly supplying Award Plaques, Tournament Objectives, and prize support.

The ticket price covers entry and lunch on both days for both players on the team.

Armageddon 2025: The WW3 (Team Yankee) UK National Tournament

This is a two-day event where players will compete in 4x games against different participants using Battlefront Miniatures World War 3 (Team Yankee) rules and army books.

This event is supported by Battlefront Miniatures who are kindly providing Award Plaques, Tournament Objectives, and prize support.

The WW3 (TY) UK Nationals will be held at Firestorm Games, Cardiff on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of May 2025. Ticket price includes lunch served at the Firestorm café on both days.

Please be aware that this event uses 8ft x 4ft tables and that there are painting and army composition requirements

DEFCON 2 – On The Path To War (Again!)

If you don’t play regularly but are maybe tempted to join the rapidly growing WW3 Team Yankee community, want to try out a new army, or are even an experienced player who’s prepared to play a friendly army and help newer players, this is the perfect one-day event.

The previous DEFCON2 events have proved to be extremely popular due to the event format being designed to keep it as beginner-friendly as possible – full details are available in the downloadable rule pack at the bottom of the page but, as a general outline, it will involve:

1. Players using small armies of 50pts

2. No painting requirements – just build and play (although painted miniatures are very welcome)

3. Friendly opponents who are either newer players themselves or players with more experience but who want to help tutor others

4. Extended rounds that give time to play at a friendly pace without the pressure of watching the clock

5. Restricted participant numbers to help prevent newer players feeling overwhelmed.


HMGS Autumn Wars Team Yankee

Autumn Wars Team Yankee Tournament
Venue: Trinity International University
Address: 2065 Half Day Rd, Bannockburn, IL 60015, USA
Date: Saturday October 5th 2024
Awards: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Best Painted and Best Sport
List deadline: September 27th
Email lists to [email protected]
3 formation limit
1 of those formations MUST be a Tank Company
A player MUST take at least 1 helicopter or strike aircraft unit of 4 or more models.
95 point limit
3 games, 2.5 hour time limit on rounds.
Extended Mission Matrix will be used for mission selection.
A player can duplicate a single stance once.
Painting minimum of 3 present colors
Planned Schedule:
Round 1: 9:00am – 11:30am
Lunch: 11:30am – 12:00pm
Round 2: 12:00pm – 2:30pm
Break: 2:30pm – 2:45pm
Round 3: 2:45pm – 5:15pm
Awards : 5:15pm

Historicon 2024 World War III: Team Yankee Tournament

Dates: Thursday, July 18th Lancaster PA.

Tournament Format: V2 Team Yankee, 95 points. Straight Swiss format using best coast pairings, 3 rounds over 1 day 2.5 hours per round. No stance requirement.  2 Formation limit per player.

Players will use the extended Battleplans packet. Players will select the mission using the instructions from the mission packet. If either player had played the selected mission in the previous round, then the result must be re-rolled until a different mission is chosen.

Player Limit: 48

Players should register on the Historicon website

Click here for the full information pack…