Open Fire!

Tri-State Historical Miniatures Gaming will be hosting a Flames of War tournament at Rogue State Games in Mahwah, NJ. We will be using the 4th edition rules. Your army can cost no more than 100 dynamic points and must be from the mid-war era. Any mid-war rulebook or formation can be used. No restrictions.
Players must build a force using the Forces part of the official Battlefront website using dynamic points. If a player cannot for whatever reason access that site send me an email ([email protected]) and we’ll work it out.
If you’d like to play but don’t have an army you can borrow one. We have a lot of Flames of War stuff and are happy to share!

Belgian FOW Nationals

A two-day event being held for the first time in the iconic Bastogne War Museum, in the heart of Belgium, we are playing a 95 points Mid War Tournament, and are planning for 40 players.

Registration here:

Rules Pack can be found here:

We have held previous Belgian Nationals, as well as hosting the ETC and hope to see many players from many countries come along for good food, good games and great memories!

See you on the Battlefield