Operation Saltire II Scottish Nationals 2025

Operation Saltire 2025 is our second, two day Flames of War Nationals. This is an official Flames of War Event and players will receive the 2025 Tournament Objective Marker.

The period is MW with 5 games over two days. The point total is 95. We will be back at Knightly Gaming in Bathgate. Tickets and the Tournament Pack can be found here,

Flames of War Scottish Nationals

West Coast Nationals 2025 – FoW

We had to move in 2025, so we’re bringing the Coast back in West Coast nationals! This year’s WCN FOW will be held on the USS Hornet Museum’s hanger deck in Alameda, CA.
We have options to stay aboard the ship both Friday and Saturday nights. These experiences include meals, and behind the scenes tours of off limit areas. If you stay up really late you’ll probably run into a ghost or two! (see pack for more details)
For those less adventurous land lubbers Alameda is home to so great breweries (some even on the old base), restaurants and Tiki Bars. A short ferry ride and you’re in San Francisco eating all the Rice-a-Roni you can dream of.
Rules pack / Info Guide / Ticket Hyperlink all included below! Its a living document so we’ll continue to add to it as time allows.
<Look at the link above>
If you’ve read this far. It’s MidWar 105 points. The rules pack has some limits on MW monsters so check it out.

Open Fire!

Tri-State Historical Miniatures Gaming will be hosting a Flames of War tournament at Rogue State Games in Mahwah, NJ. We will be using the 4th edition rules. Your army can cost no more than 100 dynamic points and must be from the mid-war era. Any mid-war rulebook or formation can be used. No restrictions.
Players must build a force using the Forces part of the official Battlefront website using dynamic points. If a player cannot for whatever reason access that site send me an email ([email protected]) and we’ll work it out.
If you’d like to play but don’t have an army you can borrow one. We have a lot of Flames of War stuff and are happy to share!