The Devils Charge – Flames of War (LW) Campaign

Welcome to the ‘Devil’s Charge’ Flames of War (Late War) Campaign. The format of this event is slightly different from the usual style of events as players will be required to use army lists of differing point totals in each of the campaign rounds, including a large tank battle to finish the day.

Armies may only be selected from the Flames of War Battle of the Bulge army books.

Firefight 2024

This is a single-day event suitable for all levels of players, where you’ll compete in 3x games against different opponents using Battlefronts Flames of War (Late War) rules and army books.

Whether you’re a beginner, want to try a new army, or simply just want to brush up on your rules and skills, then this is for you.

80pt army size
2x colour minimum painting standard (hull & tracks/wheels for vehicles, uniform & skin for infantry, etc)
No duplicate Formations
No Allied units or Formations
Lunch is included in the ticket price

HMGS Autumn Wars Flames of War Late War

Autumn Wars Flames of War Late War Tournament
Venue: Trinity International University
Address: 2065 Half Day Rd, Bannockburn, IL 60015, USA
Date: Sunday October 6th 2024
Awards: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, Best Painted and Best Sport
List deadline: September 27th
Email lists to [email protected]
Normal list building rules are used with the following modifications.
2 formation limit
1 of those formations MUST come from your selected book. Command Card formations from your selected book are included in this pool.
Allies will be locked to book “fronts” the book fronts are as follows,
Fortress Europe
example list creation: I select Bagration German as my core book. I then MUST select a single formation from Bagration German. I select the Armored Panzergrenadier Formation. For the rest of my list I can then select ANY German formation present in another book (as per normal constraints) so I then select my second formation, Brigade Panther (LATE) out of Bulge German.
If I were to add Allied forces to my list, they MUST be taken from a book in the Bagration series, NOT the Berlin or D-Day series.
If I select Bulge British as my core book, any allies MUST be taken from Bulge American, NOT DDay American.
95 point limit
3 games, 2.5 hour time limit on rounds.
Extended Mission Matrix will be used for mission selection.
A player can duplicate a single stance once.
Painting minimum of 3 present colors
Planned Schedule:
Round 1: 9:00am – 11:30am
Lunch: 11:30am – 12:00pm
Round 2: 12:00pm – 2:30pm
Break: 2:30pm – 2:45pm
Round 3: 2:45pm – 5:15pm
Awards : 5:15pm

4th Spartan Tournament

The “Flames of war in Greece” team is organizing the fourth official Flames of war tournament in Athens on Sunday, June 30, 2024.
– Date of event: Sunday, June 30, 2024.
– Opening hours:
— Arrival 12.00-12.30 pm
— First Round 12.45-3.15pm
— Break 15.15-16.15 pm
— Second Round 16.15-18.45pm
— Award 19.30 pm
– Venue: Gamer’s Castle (Leonidou 4 Agios Dimitrios, Athens)
– System: Flames of war FW009 version 2019 along with the FAQ you will find for free on their game website.
– Missions: each table will use the Battle Plans table to determine which mission they will play (Mission free pdf version March 2024).
– The definition of the winners will be done through the victory points given by the missions.
– The duration of each round will be 2.30 hours.
– Each player will play 2 games.
– Army Selection: From all his official Late war books (1944-45) Fortress Europe, D-Day German, D-Day British, D-Day Waffen SS, D-Day American, D-Day 21st Panzer, Bagration Soviet, Bagration German, Bagration Axis-Allies, Bulge American, Bulge British, Bulge German, Berlin Germany & Berlin Soviet.
– Points: 105 points including command cards.
– Participation fee: Free
– Time to submit entries until midnight on Saturday 22th June.

– 1st place (based on victory points)
– 2nd place (based on victory points)
– 3rd place (based on victory points)
– Best painted army (before the award players will be able to rate other players’ armies and rate the presentation of the models).

The Tournament is fully supported by Battlefront and is considered a National tournament.
We will be happy to see you in person and good luck to everyone.

II Iberian Tournament

Mid War, 85 points. Blue-Blue tournament

5 Rounds (3 on Saturday, 2 on Sunday) in the heart of Madrid, one of the best connected cities in Europe.

Please, find here the rulespack


Enfilade 2024 FoW Tournament

Enfilade 2024 v4 Flames Of War Mid-War Tournament, Date: Saturday May 25, 2024, 95 Point Lists / Dynamic Points / Wild Card Units Authorized / Lessons from the Front – MAR 2023 / Missions Pack – APR 2023; Forces: Acceptable forces include the following books: a. North Africa 1) Afrika Korps (German) 2) Fighting First (U.S.) 3) Avanti (Italian) 4) Armoured Fist (British) 5) Death from Above (German and Italian) 6) All American (U.S.) 7) Red Devils (British) b. Eastern Front 1) Iron Cross (German) 2) Ghost Panzer (German) 3) Enemy at the Gates (Soviet) 4) Red Banner (Soviet) 5) White Death (Finland) 6) Hungarian Steel (Hungary) 7) Brave Romania (Romania)

Firestorm Overlord Jour Jeux – France

Hello everyone!

This year sees the 80th anniversary of the landings, and Jour jeux intends to mark the occasion: on May 18 and 19, it will be “Firestorm Overlord” Campaign in our walls!

The place: Foyer de Satolas et Bonce, Montée des Lurons, 38290 Satolas et Bonce, France.

Agenda: Tables set up on Friday the 17th in the evening, with the possibility of preparatory duels.

kick off Saturday morning at 9 a.m. for briefing and setting up of camps.
Campaign in 5 turns, therefore minimum 5 games: here is the agenda:

Saturday May 18:
From 8:30 a.m.: welcome coffee
9 a.m.: Team formation and campaign briefing
9:30 a.m.: Launch of round 1 and 1st game
12:30 p.m.: Debrief Round 1 and launch Round 2
1 p.m.: 2nd game
3:30 p.m.: Debrief Round 2 and launch Round 3
4 p.m.: 3rd game
6:30 p.m.: Debrief Round 3

Sunday May 19:
9 a.m.: Briefing Round 4
9:30 a.m.: 4th game
12:30: Debrief Round 4 and launch Round 5
3:30 p.m.: Debrief Round 5, end of campaign, prizes and wrap up.

We will take the opportunity to rank players and give the Firestorm and Flames Of War Tornament rewards required.

Registration fees:
€30, to be paid no later than Wednesday May 8, 8 p.m. via PayPal to the following address: abel.nessali »at»
The PAF includes breakfast, lunch and participation in the costs of the event. A refreshment bar will also be on site for those thirsty.

Lists: Late War, in 105 points (ETC compatible format)
The idea is to play in this format to both sharpen the lists of players preparing for the ETC and allow “relaxation” players to have fun. We will try to balance the Fluff players and the Tournament players in each camp and ensure that each participant evolves in their environment of choice (those who wish to prepare for the ETC will be able to multiply the sharp duels, the more fluff players experiment with what they like). The matches obviously count for the campaign!

The Framadate link for pre-registration:

We stay at your disposal for any comments or questions!

See you soon!!
Team Day Games

Battlefront Asia Pacific Grand Championship

This is a friendly event with emphasis on fun. We welcome and help newer and more casual players.

Event rules: This is a 2-day event with two 3hr games on Saturday and two 3hr games on Sunday.

Entry: $50 for both days of play. Includes general entry to the museum from 27th July – 28th July.

Flames Of War
Period: Flames Of War Late War lists, 100 pts, Version 4 rules.

Download the Players Pack for more info…

Event Hosted at The Australian Armour & Artillery Museum