Tag: Events
Team Yankee Tournament
On Saturday November 16th, there will be a 95pt Team Yankee tournament at Griffon’s Lair (1645 West 26th St, Erie, PA 16508).
All Team Yankee V2 Books, PDFs, and Oil Wars are allowed.
There is no restriction on the number of formations that may be used in one’s list.
3 Rounds each 2.5 hours. All Rounds are hard stop when time is called.
10:00 AM – Signup Time
11:00 AM – Start Time
11:00 AM – Round 1
1:30 PM – Lunch
2:30 PM – Round 2
5:15 PM – Round 3
8:00 PM – Clean Up and Awards
Email lists and questions to Chris Eimers (Token) at [email protected] by November 15th at 11:59pm, 2024 for checking purposes and an extra victory point.
Players may use each stance no more than twice.
Belgian FOW Nationals
A two-day event being held for the first time in the iconic Bastogne War Museum, in the heart of Belgium, we are playing a 95 points Mid War Tournament, and are planning for 40 players.
Registration here: https://www.tabletoptournaments.net/be/t3_tournament.php?tid=36200
Rules Pack can be found here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rtX-xqkbHxgHEe-Ggd1msqclb5HdWJ8C/view
We have held previous Belgian Nationals, as well as hosting the ETC and hope to see many players from many countries come along for good food, good games and great memories!
See you on the Battlefield
The Devils Charge – Flames of War (LW) Campaign
Welcome to the ‘Devil’s Charge’ Flames of War (Late War) Campaign. The format of this event is slightly different from the usual style of events as players will be required to use army lists of differing point totals in each of the campaign rounds, including a large tank battle to finish the day.
Armies may only be selected from the Flames of War Battle of the Bulge army books.
Armageddon 2025: The WW3 (Team Yankee) UK National Tournament
This is a two-day event where players will compete in 4x games against different participants using Battlefront Miniatures World War 3 (Team Yankee) rules and army books.
This event is supported by Battlefront Miniatures who are kindly providing Award Plaques, Tournament Objectives, and prize support.
The WW3 (TY) UK Nationals will be held at Firestorm Games, Cardiff on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of May 2025. Ticket price includes lunch served at the Firestorm café on both days.
Please be aware that this event uses 8ft x 4ft tables and that there are painting and army composition requirements