The Devils Charge – Flames of War (LW) Campaign

Welcome to the ‘Devil’s Charge’ Flames of War (Late War) Campaign. The format of this event is slightly different from the usual style of events as players will be required to use army lists of differing point totals in each of the campaign rounds, including a large tank battle to finish the day.

Armies may only be selected from the Flames of War Battle of the Bulge army books.

Armageddon 2025: The WW3 (Team Yankee) UK National Tournament

This is a two-day event where players will compete in 4x games against different participants using Battlefront Miniatures World War 3 (Team Yankee) rules and army books.

This event is supported by Battlefront Miniatures who are kindly providing Award Plaques, Tournament Objectives, and prize support.

The WW3 (TY) UK Nationals will be held at Firestorm Games, Cardiff on Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th of May 2025. Ticket price includes lunch served at the Firestorm café on both days.

Please be aware that this event uses 8ft x 4ft tables and that there are painting and army composition requirements

DEFCON 2 – On The Path To War (Again!)

If you don’t play regularly but are maybe tempted to join the rapidly growing WW3 Team Yankee community, want to try out a new army, or are even an experienced player who’s prepared to play a friendly army and help newer players, this is the perfect one-day event.

The previous DEFCON2 events have proved to be extremely popular due to the event format being designed to keep it as beginner-friendly as possible – full details are available in the downloadable rule pack at the bottom of the page but, as a general outline, it will involve:

1. Players using small armies of 50pts

2. No painting requirements – just build and play (although painted miniatures are very welcome)

3. Friendly opponents who are either newer players themselves or players with more experience but who want to help tutor others

4. Extended rounds that give time to play at a friendly pace without the pressure of watching the clock

5. Restricted participant numbers to help prevent newer players feeling overwhelmed.


Firefight 2024

This is a single-day event suitable for all levels of players, where you’ll compete in 3x games against different opponents using Battlefronts Flames of War (Late War) rules and army books.

Whether you’re a beginner, want to try a new army, or simply just want to brush up on your rules and skills, then this is for you.

80pt army size
2x colour minimum painting standard (hull & tracks/wheels for vehicles, uniform & skin for infantry, etc)
No duplicate Formations
No Allied units or Formations
Lunch is included in the ticket price

4th Spartan Tournament

The “Flames of war in Greece” team is organizing the fourth official Flames of war tournament in Athens on Sunday, June 30, 2024.
– Date of event: Sunday, June 30, 2024.
– Opening hours:
— Arrival 12.00-12.30 pm
— First Round 12.45-3.15pm
— Break 15.15-16.15 pm
— Second Round 16.15-18.45pm
— Award 19.30 pm
– Venue: Gamer’s Castle (Leonidou 4 Agios Dimitrios, Athens)
– System: Flames of war FW009 version 2019 along with the FAQ you will find for free on their game website.
– Missions: each table will use the Battle Plans table to determine which mission they will play (Mission free pdf version March 2024).
– The definition of the winners will be done through the victory points given by the missions.
– The duration of each round will be 2.30 hours.
– Each player will play 2 games.
– Army Selection: From all his official Late war books (1944-45) Fortress Europe, D-Day German, D-Day British, D-Day Waffen SS, D-Day American, D-Day 21st Panzer, Bagration Soviet, Bagration German, Bagration Axis-Allies, Bulge American, Bulge British, Bulge German, Berlin Germany & Berlin Soviet.
– Points: 105 points including command cards.
– Participation fee: Free
– Time to submit entries until midnight on Saturday 22th June.

– 1st place (based on victory points)
– 2nd place (based on victory points)
– 3rd place (based on victory points)
– Best painted army (before the award players will be able to rate other players’ armies and rate the presentation of the models).

The Tournament is fully supported by Battlefront and is considered a National tournament.
We will be happy to see you in person and good luck to everyone.

Østerskov 2024 – Rolling for the Mediterranean and Caucausus

The biggest Danish FoW event of the year.
Rolling for the Mediterranean and Caucausus
A two day campaign event
This is a two day campaign event based on the time period in 1942 where the Germans have gained foothold in both North Africa and Russia.
Setting and Background
Players are fighting for their general’s plan to stop the German Juggernaut. Prestige and accomplishments will decide which way the onslaught will proceed The campaign includes all nations: UK, US, USSR, Germany, and minor nations.
This event is not as historically strict as the other historical events that we in Denmark have hosted.
Players must work together to secure victory for their nation’s field marshall.
US, UK and USSR teams compete against each other for resources to be allocated to their front.
After each game round there will be hosted an allied and axis conference to auction prestige points (Campaign victory points)
Do you dedicate you wins to your general or yourself?

Flames of War on the USS Hornet

Please join us for a 2 day, 4 round Flames of War event on one of the most famous ships in the US navy: The USS Hornet in Alameda, Ca.

We will play 2 rounds each day to give players time to explore the museum.

It will be Late War 95 points. We will use the latest missions pack and LFTF.

Please send your lists to [email protected] by July 20th.

There will also be an option to stay overnight! See the webpage for prices.

Battlefront Asia Pacific Grand Championship

This is a friendly event with emphasis on fun. We welcome and help newer and more casual players.

Event rules: This is a 2-day event with two 3hr games on Saturday and two 3hr games on Sunday.

Entry: $50 for both days of play. Includes general entry to the museum from 27th July – 28th July.

Flames Of War
Period: Flames Of War Late War lists, 100 pts, Version 4 rules.

Download the Players Pack for more info…

Event Hosted at The Australian Armour & Artillery Museum