Team Yankee Escalation League

Third Coast Games 3208 FM 528 Rd Suite 100, Friendswood, TX, United States

The Team Yankee Escalation League will be starting on the 18th of August. Entry will be 20$ and will be a challenge format using the board at Third Coast. Store Hours on Sunday are 12-6. For a full list of store hours, they can be found here at the bottom of the page. Also, all … Continue reading "Team Yankee Escalation League"


Team Yankee turnering i Copenhagen

Emperor's Pride Carl Jacobsens Vej 16, 20, 2500 København, København S, Vælg en mulighed…, Denmark

Emperor's Pride indbyder Storkøbenhavn og andre interesserede til hyggespilleevent i Team Yankee (TY) LØRDAG den 28. September 2024. Adressen er Carl Jacobsens Vej 16, 20, 2500 København. Vi spiller Team Yankee V2 85 points ved faste missioner. Man skal medbringe to kopier af sin force Team Yankee, man opfordres til at benytte Forcesv4, men andet … Continue reading "Team Yankee turnering i Copenhagen"
